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Dynamic energy trading on a volatile electricity market

Our origination team offers customer-oriented expertise and flexibility by combining our local presence with our Pan-European capabilities and the reliability and open-mindedness that are rooted in our strong Swiss heritage. We are active in about 30 countries and provide a European portfolio of extraordinary size.

Tailored and innovative energy and risk management solutions

We provide best-in-class energy and risk management products and services, tailored to customer needs in each relevant region, be it for energy producers, consumers or wholesale customers.

From standard wholesale power products to structured products, from market access to comprehensive portfolio management services, we serve everyone from the end consumers, local energy reseller, utilities, independent power producers (IPP) and individual power plants, through to wholesale traders and large industrial or institutional customers.

With our support and consultation our clients can choose the most appropriate power supply for their individual needs.

We support our customers along the whole decision chain, sharing our in-depth know-how and resources in order to find the best solution.

Standard electricity trading

What we provide

  • Acquisition of basic load, peak, and off-peak electricity
  • Price spreads between market regions
  • European standard options
  • Prices in Euro or local currencies

Your benefits

  • Access to European trading and power plant portfolios
  • Trading at current and competitive market prices
  • Low fees
  • Fast reaction times

Structured electricity trading

What we provide

  • Individual analysis of your delivery and procurement options
  • Procurement of basic load, peak, and off-peak electricity at non-liquid delivery periods
  • Electricity delivery in quarter-hour intervals
  • Indexed or fixed price structures
  • Europe-wide location and time swaps
  • Flexible and tailor-made wholesale and supply contracts

Your benefits

  • Customer-specific product design
  • Work with experienced traders
  • Fast reaction times
  • Offers and quotes for liquid and illiquid periods
  • Customer-specific delivery profiles and granularity, including for illiquid periods