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Our Commitment

Social responsibility

Alpiq Csepel Business is committed to environmental protection and aims to continuously improve the natural areas of Csepel and the surrounding area.

We are fully aware that our operations impact the environment. In recognition of this fact,  we have taken extensive action to prevent, reduce, and when possible, to eliminate pollution. This includes measures to remedy environmental liabilities traceable to our company. The company's activities in this area are a planned part of the management system, as well as a fundamental part of the everyday activities of all the employees.

Alpiq Csepel Business has introduced and maintains an environmental management system, which includes both environmental protection and the management of quality, safety and health guided by the following regulations:

  • ISO 9001 (QMS; Quality Management System)

  • ISO 14001 (EMS; Environmental Management System)

  • OHSAS (Occupational Health & Safety Assessment Series)

To compliment our role as an important Hungarian market player, we take corporate citizenship seriously and regularly contribute to the environmental, social and cultural objectives of the neighbourhood and wider community.

Business conduct

Since its foundation, Alpiq Csepel Business has been committed to comply with the highest ethic requirements of business life in every area of its operations. For that purpose we strictly follow the ethic principles of our Swiss parent company and those of our Business Group, by which we contribute to achieving our own goals as well as to the success of our business partners. Our commitment is reflected in the company’s Code of Conduct which was presented to all staff members who accepted it.

Quality management & certification

  • ISO 14001

  • ISO 28001

  • ISO 9001

  • RoSPA (2007, Sector Award)

  • Hewitt/Figyelő Best Workplace Award (2005: Central and Eastern Europe's 13th best workplace)

  • “Green Frog" Award (Deloitte, 2007)

  • Merit certificate for our application "Business life for the environment"

Alpiq’s Hungarian operations have been honoured with a variety of awards and certificates. Our efforts in the areas of environmental protection, health, safety and staff satisfaction have been recognized on numerous occasions. Some achievements include:

IQNET and MSZT certificates: Workplace health protection and occupational safety are highly valued by our company. Our activities comply with all legislation and regulations. We use a comprehensive Workplace Health and Safety Management System based on the MSZ 28001/ OHSAS 18001 standard.

Hewitt award: The Best Workplace Survey award is an annual prize given by Hewitt, a prestigious global HR firm.

KIR certification: This certificate recognises environmental friendliness and resource efficiency. For almost 10 years, we have used an Environmental Management System (EMS) tool to assess environmental factors, impact, and to identify environmental tasks. Our Csepel II Plant has held ISO-MSZ 14001 certification since 2002.

RoSPA award: The Royal Society has honoured us with the Occupational Health and Safety Award for the Prevention of Accidents. This award reflects our efforts and achievements in the field of occupational health and safety.


Commitment to safety

Through continuous development, we will become a safe and accident free site exemplary for everyone, and with a strong focus on people by building on our safe work methods and learning from the experience of others.

The clear target is to maintain the zero accident level, and to realise this vision the commitment and contribution of everyone is needed, including staff, contractors, suppliers and visitors. It is our strong and honest belief that all injuries and accidents can be prevented.

Policy on safety

The safety of personnel is the number one priority. Our Health and Safety Policy is based on our-long standing belief that all accidents and injuries are preventable and that none of our activities are worth risking injury or endangering health.

The goal of our management team is to develop and maintain an excellent safety system that is transparent and available to all. We hold our partners to high standards as well. Safety is an important criterion in choosing suppliers.


Our staff has not suffered an accident in over 18 years. We have introduced management schemes unique to Hungary such as "Safety from the System" and "General Safety".  We also participate in ongoing meetings and seminars with other organisations to share experiences and formulate best practices.

As external recognition of our health and safety improvements, the UK’s Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) has granted Gold Medal Awards to Csepel II Plant.

Besides accident prevention, our company offers a comprehensive workplace health program. Workers benefit from ongoing activities to prevent illness and improve well-being.

Environmental information

At Alpiq, we do everything in our control to promote continuing environmental improvement and sustainable development.

To continually improve our environmental performance, we have established a comprehensive set of guidelines in which we pledge to:

  • Understand our environmental responsibilities and meet our environmental obligations;

  • Use the Environmental Management System (EMS) ISO 14001;

  • Ensure the safe management of raw materials and by-products;

  • Promote the efficient and environmentally friendly use of energy and material resources;

  • Recycle where appropriate;

  • Monitor and control the impact of our activities on the environment;

  • Respond promptly and effectively to any environmental incidents;

  • Maintain close relations with the appropriate regulators, authorities and environmental organizations;

  • Educate and train employees on environmental responsibility;

  • Promote openness and a structured approach towards environmental issues;

  • Perform regular auditing and policy review.

Our company possesses various licenses and certificates (Csepel II has the IPPC- Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control- license) and offers in-company training courses in environmental care and emergency response. Across our entire business, we have identified and implemented environmentally friendly practices, and we will continue to do so.

Community commitment

Our stakeholders

Alpiq uses a unique mapping system to manage its stakeholders.  We maintain an up-to-date list of key partners, issues and their interdependencies. The map links our various initiatives and programmes to the relevant stakeholder groups. An example of the map is shown on this page.


  • Site visits (open days)

  • Trainee programme (support to writing graduation theses)

  • Environmental report

  • Questionnaire in environmental report

  • Professional meetings in the subject of health protection and work safety to present best practices

  • Internal communication

  • Support to local environmental initiatives

  • Support to local health conservation and area development initiatives

  • "Best Workplace" survey

  • Volunteering schemes

  • Support to international cultural events

  • Conferences and events

  • External communication

  • Regular reports and personal meetings


Sponsorship and Social Responsibility

In our community, Alpiq strives to positively influence society.  To compliment our role as an important Hungarian market player, we take corporate citizenship seriously and regularly contribute to the environmental, social and cultural objectives of the neighbourhood and wider community.

For the protection of the environment, our efforts go beyond Hungarian norms. We were honoured with Deloitte’s Green Frog Award in 2007 for excellence in the environment and in corporate social responsibility.

Sponsoring and support of worthy causes

Our sponsorship activities are a cornerstone of our corporate social responsibility programme. As a major industrial plant in the Csepel District, we are active in our neighbourhood and cultivate a positive image. Through various programmes and donation schemes, we support local residents and sponsor a variety of initiatives with the following goals:

  • Environmental protection: Keeping in mind our environmental responsibility, our priority is to minimise CO2 emissions, and to improve air quality with our advanced plant technology.
  • Public health programmes and community development: For the Csepel community, we support initiatives that raise the health and living standards. We are working closely with the municipality on a number of development projects and health programmes.
  • Athletic sponsorship: Sport is an important part of Alpiq’s social responsibility activities. We are proud to sponsor various local teams and club sports.

Committed employees

We admire and support the community service of our colleagues. Our employees are often representatives of non-profit organisations or initiatives and deserve recognition for their work. Alpiq promotes staff volunteering and participates in charity fund raising by donating directly or contributing to donations made by staff members.