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Support to the "Henrik Auth" Festival Brass Orchestra of Csepel

The Alpiq Csepel Business, now in the sixth consecutive year, has again signed a cooperation agreement to support the "Henrik Auth" Festival Brass Orchestra of Csepel with the purpose of promoting the future activities and development of the Orchestra.

The "Henrik Auth" Festival Brass Orchestra of Csepel wants to be an active player in the music life of Hungary, and within that, in brass music life, and aims at maintaining the traditions and values of brass music by cultivating such music. In their view, the coaching of succession musicians, the musical culture of the young generation, as well as promoting the cultural level of the public at a high standard are all very important. They have always striven to make young people learn about and get to like music, and to motivate them towards applying to musical institutions where instrumental skills are taught. They wish to implement such musical concerts which demonstrate music instruments and present the folk music of various people in order to help the young generation explore in an interactive manner the basic knowledge required for musical culture. They wish to focus, in particular, on educating children at disadvantage.

Ever since its foundation, the Orchestra has played an active role in the brass music movement of Hungary and the musical evolution in the local community of Csepel. The Public Foundation bearing the name of the Orchestra together with the Municipality of Csepel support the operation of the Orchestra. The group has about 40 members, and the youngest ones are still students at basic and medium-level musical schools. Their more senior musicians are also educated, and possess the appropriate musical skills.

The repertory of the Orchestra covers a number of different music types including classical settings and modern music pieces, as well as pop music. The Orchestra is very proud of the fact that at their concerts they have played together with renowned performers including pianist Gergely Bogányi who had been granted Kossuth and Liszt Awards, and also with Péter Szolnoki, singer of the Group "Bon-Bon”, an illustrious figure of pop music. The Orchestra has published 7 LP's.