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Sixteenth gold medal recognition by RoSPA to Csepel II Power Station

At the annual occupational safety competition announced by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA), Alpiq Csepeli Szolgáltató Kft. received the „Order of Distinction”.

Alpiq Csepeli Szolgáltató Kft. (the company providing operational and maintenance services for the Csepel II Power Station) has participated at the competitions of RoSPA for more than 10 years. The annual applications comprise documents which present the occupational health and work safety performance of applicant businesses.

Applications are evaluated by an adjudication panel of recognised specialists of the field. If the level of the occupational health and work safety performance of the competitor meets the application criteria, the applicant is granted a bronze, silver or gold medal by the adjudication panel. Businesses that have been granted gold medals over 10 consecutive years will receive the „President’s Award”, those with gold medals over 15 (or more) consecutive years will be awarded the “Order of Distinction”, the latter prestigious award has been won this year by Alpiq Csepeli Szolgáltató Kft.

The RoSPA awards received in the past time period again demonstrate the excellent health and safety performance of Alpiq Csepel Business as shown, among others, also by the accident-free performance of our employees for more than 18 years.