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First Night of Power Plants in Hungary

The first time, Hungarian Energy & Public Utilities Regulation Office (MEKH) and their partners have organized the event "Night of Power Plants". On 11 October 2019, between 2 p.m. and 10 p.m., nationwide 42 power plants which generate power and produce district heat, plus visitor centers opened up their gates to welcome the publicity.


The visitors were escorted through each site by professional guides who gave plain and colorful presentations on the operation of power and heating plants, as well as on the technology systems behind energy production.

At Csepel II power station we welcomed 5 groups in total with 20-25 people in each group, and the programme lasted for about 1.5 hours for each group. Regarding their ages, our visitors ranged between 3 years and 92 years. The site programme started with a short video, followed by a plant walkabout through the turbine hall, boiler houses and main control room. Visitors could watch plant items during operation and gained an impression about the phases of electricity generation and heat production, learned about the CCGT power station process cycle, main plant items and auxiliary equipment, emergency systems and devices.

The event "Night of Power Plants" had nearly 4,000 registered visitors throughout the whole country. One goal of the event was to show options for saving energy as much as possible at home in our everyday lives.  The event also offered a venue for young professionals wanting to start a career in energy industry, and their potential employers. As there was a high level of interest, we have good reason to assume that the event will be organized next year as well.